Alex Schuster wrote:
Dale writes:

Well, I worked on my air compressor and played in the dirt in my garden
for a while and now I get this again:

2 frames in 7.6 seconds =  0.263 FPS
2 frames in 7.7 seconds =  0.259 FPS

I don't know what the issue is but it is getting on my nerves.  I have
not even logged out of KDE and it is slow again.  The only thing I have
done was to downgrade gtkam to see if the old version crashes too.
Nothing else has been messed with since this morning.

Any ideas at all?  I'm about ready to do a emerge -e world and see if
that helps.  It's getting cool so I could use the heat anyway.
Anything in syslog, Xorg.log or dmesg about drm suddenly being turned off?

I'd get back into the garden and turn the air compressor to reverse.


I checked messages, Xorg.log and dmesg, nothing out of the ordinary in there. Just me plugging up my camera, ntpd setting the clock and such nothingness as that. I can't think of any other logs that I can check either.

That air compressor has been giving me fits. First a dirt dobber built him a nice house in it and then that caused a wire to burn out on a run capacitor. I evicted the wasp a week or so ago and fixed the wire today. That bug better not try to move in again either. I'll evict him next time with bug spray. Make it a permanent eviction. lol


:-)  :-)

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