On 9/13/2011 10:40 AM, Alan Mackenzie wrote:
On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 07:50:13PM +0200, Michael Schreckenbauer wrote:

it works for you, because your udev-rules need nothing from /usr/*
It's *not* udev requiring /usr, it's the scripts triggered by the rules.

Ah.  OK.  Maybe I've misunderstood the whole thing.  Could it be that
there's no explicit requirement for early mounting of /usr, providing one
has the discipline to keep everything needed for booting in the /

I don't think you are misunderstanding things. According to the originally referenced email thread:

(From KS@Fedora):

We are actually currently planning to move all tools from the rootfs to /usr, where they belong and sort out the chaotic split of install locations. There will be only compat symlinks left in / then.

The udev package (and, apparently, everything else from Fedora) will, as distributed by the upstream developers, install itself to /usr instead of /. *Right now* udev fails to load a specific device if /usr is not mounted and the udev rule tries to access something in /usr. *In the future* udev will fail to load at all if /usr is not mounted, if the changes progress as they are being proposed.


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