On Thu, 31 Jan 2013 23:38:27 -0500
Philip Webb <purs...@ca.inter.net> wrote:

> > When running `ebuild <file> digest`, it has to have
> > all possible files available in order to update the Manifest file.
> > Those languages won't be installed when you actually install
> > your modified package. You'll probably want to keep them around
> > until you're finished making changes, though.  
> Why doesn't this happen when I do my weekly 'eix-sync' ?
> Perhaps it silently downloads them, then deletes them again,
> or perhaps it simply downloads the Manifest on those occasions,
> but has to calculate it specially for the non-Portage overlay.

The Manifest was already calculated by the dev for all those little
files in the original, so portage didn't need to redo it.

The only file you changed is the ebuild itself. So copy the manifest
over from the original, delete the line for the ebuild and run digest

Alan McKinnon

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