Tanstaafl wrote:
> Hi all,
> Ok, rehashing this, but please don't turn it into another udev vs
> systemd thread.
> I have an older server that I have been putting off this update,
> debating on whether to update to the regular udev, or to eudev.
> I've googled until my fingers are blue, but cannot for the life of me
> find any explicit instructions for *how* to switch from udev to eudev.
> The eudev project page is sparse, to say the least.
> Anyone?

I switched when it was still fresh and it wasn't to bad from what I
recall.  Just emerge -C udev and emerge eudev.  I think I masked udev to
make sure it didn't get pulled in any more by something else but other
than that, it just worked. 

I would recommend going to boot runlevel and restarting udev after the
switch tho, just to be sure it restarts OK. 

Oh, the init script is still called udev not eudev. 


:-)  :-) 

I am only responsible for what I said ... Not for what you understood or how 
you interpreted my words!

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