On 2013-08-02 8:15 AM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
Tanstaafl wrote:
But what about removing the udev-postmount init script? I guess that
is the last question I need answered before jumping down the rabbit
hole Sunday...

This is what I have for that from rc-update show:

udev-postmount |      default

Yes, that is what I still have (because I haven't upgraded udev yet)...

I was just making sure that the instructions for upgrading udev (to remove this script) didn't apply to eudev.

If you have something that says different, can you post a link?  I'd
like to see that.  I don't recall removing any script but again, I was a
early switcher.

Please excuse the agenda posts by Samuli.  If you chose eudev, like me
and plenty of others, use eudev.  It's your system and you know what you
need to use.

No worries... he is why I asked not to use my question to start another flamewar, although I guess I should have specified udev <> systemd AND udev <> eudev...


Thanks again, looking forward to getting this behind me. Its been a long time since I've had zero results when doing an emerge -pvuDN world after eix-syncing...

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