On Sun, Sep 29, 2013 at 02:45:05PM -0400, Tanstaafl wrote
> On 2013-09-29 2:25 PM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Tanstaafl wrote:
> >> The way I see it, if you cannot provide a rational answer to that
> >> question, then  there is no reason for you to use this as a reason to
> >> abandon gentoo, only a reason to merge /usr into /...
> > Simple, I have never had to resize / or /boot before.  I have had to
> > resize /usr, /var and /home several times tho.  THAT is the reason.
> Ok, but... everything I've read and personal experience over the years 
> shows that space required for /usr should not change much, especially 
> constantly grow over time (like requirements for /home can and will)- it 
> may fluctuate (increase, decrease) *a little* over time, but it 
> definitely should not grow substantially, so, if you had to resize it, 
> most likely it is because you simply didn't allocate enough room to 
> start with.
> > For me, it doesn't matter if it is rational to YOU or not.
> Sorry, but rationality is not subjective. Just because something seems 
> to be rational to you doesn't mean that it is.
> You have still not stated a logical, rational reason for wanting a 
> separate /usr.

  Here's my version of "LVM without the overhead of LVM" to allow
maximum flexibity, without the overhead of LVM.

* /dev/sda is the entire 1 terabyte drive (extended partition)

* /dev/sda5 is 200 *MEGA*bytes (YES! 200 * 10^6). It's the rootfs and
  physically contains / and /boot, etc, etc.  It also has empty directories
  /home, /opt, /var, /usr, and /tmp

* /dev/sda6 is swap, a few gigabytes

* /dev/sda7 is the rest of the hard drive.  It is mounted as /home.  It
  contains directories bindmounts/opt bindmounts/var bindmounts/usr and

* Note the following excerpt from /etc/fstab

/dev/sda5               /         ext2  noatime,nodiratime,async 0 1
/dev/sda7               /home     ext4  noatime,nodiratime,async 0 1
/home/bindmounts/opt    /opt      auto  bind 0 0
/home/bindmounts/var    /var      auto  bind 0 0
/home/bindmounts/usr    /usr      auto  bind 0 0
/home/bindmounts/tmp    /tmp      auto  bind 0 0
/dev/sda6               none      swap  sw

  The rootfs is currently 22% used, so no worries there.  I originally
adopted this setup years ago when I was bouncing around between distros.
It allowed me to change to an entirely different distro without blowing
away my user directory.  Even today, it gives me maximum flexibility
without the overhead of LVM.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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