On 05/06/14 02:25, Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 2:15 AM, Dutch Ingraham <s...@gmx.us> wrote:
>> On 06/04/2014 03:17 PM, Samuli Suominen wrote:
>>> On 04/06/14 20:11, Dutch Ingraham wrote:
>>>> On 06/04/2014 07:22 AM, Daniel Troeder wrote:
>>>>> Am 04.06.2014 06:05, schrieb Samuli Suominen:
>>>>>> On 04/06/14 05:17, Dutch Ingraham wrote:
>>>>>>> No, "sys-fs/udev" is not masked, but an update is indicated in the
>>>>>>> emerge above.  That's a good catch, the MATE stuff is from the overlay.
>>>>>>>  Unfortunately, the xfce stuff is not, so even if the overlay currency
>>>>>>> was an issue, I'll still be showing some dependencies.
>>>>>> Try re-emerging on un-emerging the offending packages, like
>>>>>> xfce4-session and xfce4-power-manager,
>>>>>> it has helped some people, to refresh the .ebuild copy that is installed
>>>>>> with the .ebuild copy from
>>>>>> Portage
>>>>>> - Samuli
>>>>> Thanks - that fixed it for me:
>>>>> # emerge -C xfce-base/xfce4-session xfce-extra/xfce4-power-manager
>>>>> xfce-extra/xfce4-systemload-plugin
>>>>> # emerge -uND xfce-base/xfce4-meta xfce-extra/xfce4-power-manager
>>>>> xfce-extra/xfce4-systemload-plugin
>>>>> Greetings
>>>>> Daniel
>>>> Unfortunately, this doesn't work for me.  So let me re-cap:  I have
>>>> 4. masked virtual/udev-208-r2; that has not worked.
>>> First, remove that mask. Masking it will certainly cause more blockers,
>>> than solve them.
>>>> [ebuild  N    ~] mate-extra/mate-power-manager-1.6.3::mate-overlay
>>>> USE="applet policykit -gnome-keyring -man {-test}" 0 kB
>>>> [ebuild  N    ~] mate-base/mate-session-manager-1.6.1-r1::mate-overlay
>>>> USE="ipv6 -debug -systemd" 0 kB
>>> see "::mate-overlay", it's presumably broken or outdated. stop using the
>>> overlay and use MATE from Portage instead.
>>> or you can mask the packages from overlay, the syntax is like:
>>> /etc/portage/package.mask
>>> mate-extra/mate-power-manager::mate-overlay
>>> mate-base/mate-session-manager::mate-overlay
>>> - Samuli
>> Thanks everybody for your help.  I've made the further suggested
>> changes, but I remain with the three hard blocks.
>> I've now spent about 7 hours over the last two days on this issue (about
>> 2x the fresh install time), when all I wanted to do was a routine
>> update.  I've reworked a large part of my system, adding a new
>> package.mask file and populating it with six packages.
>> I suppose its now time for an uninstall.  Kind of disappointing; we are
>> told Gentoo is about choices, and in fact that's true.  I made the
>> choice to use a pure openRC system.  The last 7 hours of free time,
>> though, was spent trying, and ultimately failing, to correct a problem
>> not chosen, not wanted, and not invited.
>> The sine qua non is unarguably systemd.  Even though my choice was to
>> not deploy it, apparently it takes a significant time commitment and/or
>> developer-level knowledge to choose to not use it.  Quite the inelegant
>> end to my once-trusty OS.
> You are right, all I can say is that I am sorry we treat users like
> that. We forget that our task is to ease deployment of upstream
> projects to end users. What we experience is only the start of the
> mess of having two separate contradictory layouts within stable tree,
> without decent profile setups to protect users from pulling layout
> they are not interested in.

We? The ::mate-overlay maintainers? You are involved in the
::mate-overlay development then?

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