* behrouz khosravi <bz.khosr...@gmail.com> [150629 11:45]:
> >
> > It sounds like your problem isn't with Android (which is mostly FOSS -
> > or at least the parts you're dealing with here are), but with the
> > bootloader on your phone (which is proprietary).
> >
> No, actually my problem is that why an operating system
> can have decision on what types of apps can I have on my computer.
> if it is foss enough why I am not able to remove everything from my system
> easily.
> I believe when we have free operating system, when can aim for free
> hardware.
> I just hope ubuntu would be a help to open the mobile market like the way
> it helped in desktop.

I assume you mean that you can't remove system and OEM apps?

It's not really the OS that's keeping you from controlling everything,
it's the choices your OEM is making.

Make sure you have open hardware and then install your own firmware.  Look
at Cryogenmod (http://www.cyanogenmod.org/) if you don't want to roll it
all yourself or for examples.


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