On Tue, Jun 30, 2015 at 07:46:59PM +0200, Frank Steinmetzger wrote:

> > Jolla do a phone which is Linux based. No idea if this would suit your
> > needs but may be worth a look. It's GUI is good and it uses Wayland.
> > Not sure how open it is!
> I second Jolla.
> FWIW, I consider buying one myself if and when my current Android¹ finally
> kicks the bucket. As far as I already know about its Sailfish OS: you can
> install native (processor native, not bytecode native, i.e. C) programs via
> RPM package management and it runs pulse audio underneath, as one example of
> standard linux software.

Oh and I forgot: Jolla has its root in MeeGo, as it was founded in part by
former team members of Nokia’s MeeGo team. Graphically it builds upon Qt.
Gruß | Greetings | Qapla’
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Freedom for the pavements -- death to the dogs!

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