On 02/08/2018 04:18 PM, Wol's lists wrote:


/tmp is defined as being volatile - stuff can disappear at any time.

I don't know that I've ever had things in /tmp disappear "at any time" as in randomly and without external influence. Usually it's a reboot or nightly maintenance scripts cleaning up old (regular) files (as opposed to sockets).

/var/tmp is defined as the place where programs store stuff like crash recovery files. Mounting it tmpfs is going to screw up any programs that reply on that *defined* behaviour to recover after a crash.


Mounting /var/tmp/portage as tmpfs is perfectly fine as far as I know - I do it myself.

I expect that portage, and many other programs, will recover from their contents under /var/tmp disappearing in between invocations. But this is something that people need to be aware of.

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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