On 2020.01.31 12:42, Andrew Lowe wrote:
Hi all,
I posted something a few days ago about middle click of a mouse not working. In investigating this, I think I have come across something a bit dodgy.

I have just updated my kernel to 5.5.0. This has the dodgy behaviour of the middle button not working. A bit of Googling led me to reboot my machine with an older kernel, 5.4.14. The middle button worked. The kernel is the problem I thought. I in turn diff'd the configs for the two kernels. 5.4.14 has 7 lines of Logitech stuff under CONFIG_HID_. 5.5.0 has none. The Logitech stuff appears in the 5.5.0 kernel if I search within the kernel config thingy, "make menuconfig". It should be noted that I usually roll my old config file over into the new kernel then run "make oldconfig".

"make menuconfig" under 5.5.0 shows, in my situation, Device Drivers->HID support->Special HID drivers:

Apple Magic...

Under 5.4.14 there would have been a Logitech between Lenovo & Magic Mouse

With this in mind, I deleted the current config file, the one based on 5.4.14 with "make oldconfig" and missing Logitech and then reran "make menuconfig". Working my way down to the mouse drivers, lo & behold, there are entries for the Logitech mice. When I exit "make menuconfig" and look at the .config file, the Logitech stuff is there.

        Now the big questions are:

1) Is "make oldconfig" broken?
2) Can I no longer take my old config across and update it?
3) Am I a dill and doing something obviously wrong?

I don't want to have to start from a fresh config file and weed out all the %^&^$^#^# stuff I don't need, all of the weird network cards, the Intel CPU stuf, I run AMD, etc etc.

Any thoughts on how to rectify this situation would be greatly appreciated,

I'm not yet able to update to 5.5 (problems with virtualbox-modules, but there is already a bug filed) but am wondering if I will run into this same problem. I don't think I have any specific mouse drivers loaded, as I have been using cheap generic mice without problems so far. However, did you try grepping for LOGITECH in the new .config? I see "# CONFIG_HID_LOGITECH is not set". If you look at the help for the top logitech entry (once you can get to it) look at the requirements, and see if perhaps one of them is not set. If one of the requirements is not set, then the option doesn't even appear. I know this doesn't directly answer what might be broken, but as I remember, the kernel upgrade guides do suggest going through the full configuration when changing more than just the minor version. So 5.4.12 to 5.4.13, the make oldconfig is likely to be enough, but 5.4.x to 5.5.x is likely to actually need you to run through the whole thing - not necessarily starting from scratch, but just to check for oddities like this. That said, it is certainly possible there is a bug somewhere, maybe even in the stuff that drives the make oldconfig, which unset or failed to set something that should have been set based on the starting .config.


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