On 1/2/20 1:42 am, Andrew Lowe wrote:
Hi all,
    I posted something a few days ago about middle click of a mouse not working. In investigating this, I think I have come across something a bit dodgy.

So first off, thanks for the comments/thoughts/pointers. Unfortunately I basically had tried all of them, diff'd this, checked that and it appears the only thing is to start from scratch, which is a really painful thought.

Why is "menuconfig" so badly organised? A bit of alphabetical ordering wouldn't go astray, a la a dir structure as displayed in Dolphin/Win Explorer....

Anyway, 5.5.1 is out and I've tried that as well, hoping for a fix, but to no avail. Logitech still disappears. Does anyone know where I could look for bugs on menuconfig or a non intimidating place to ask about this - I don't want Linus "shouting" at me on the LKML.


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