On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 9:04 AM Wols Lists <antli...@youngman.org.uk> wrote:

> On 12/05/21 13:43, John Blinka
> >
> So what I guess *might* be happening is that there is a signed
> boot-loader on the "other OS" on CD, but because the gentoo boot loader
> is not signed, that's why it's not working ...
> So somehow you need to get your "other linux" booted again, get back
> into gentoo, and install a signed binary boot loader. Pain in the Arse!!!
> Cheers,
> Wol
> “Other OS” is a secure boot setting in the Asus bios. There has never been
*any* actual os running on this board, since I have never gotten anything
to boot.

I suspected that sysrescue and Gentoo do not have signed boot loaders on
their isos (does Gentoo even have isos? Haven’t used anything but sysrescue
in ages…).  That’s why I downloaded and tried the current Ubuntu server
iso, believing that it would have a signed boot loader.  That didn’t boot.


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