On Wed, May 12, 2021 at 1:35 PM Neil Bothwick <n...@digimed.co.uk> wrote:

> On Wed, 12 May 2021 13:10:56 -0400, John Blinka wrote:
> > Not that I am fluent in this stuff
> > (understatement!) but how does one add nomodeset to boot options, or
> > edit boot options?
> Press e at the boot menu, that's the usual key to edit the boot options.
> You may have to press a key, usually space, to bring up the boot menu,
> depending on the ISO you are using.

Cool!  I’ve been linuxing for decades and never had the need to do this.
Until now.  Sysrescue booted (has probably been booting all along) *and*
with nomodeset applied I can now see what it’s doing on the monitor.  Now
that I’m on terra firma, hope it will be clear sailing from here.
 (Apologies for the clash of metaphors!).

> I'd be surprised to find that "Other OS" is a secure boot option, it
> sounds like the option to run without secure boot.

Perhaps.  That will be one of my experiments once I get things working.


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