On 1/18/23 06:44, Peter Humphrey wrote:
On Wednesday, 18 January 2023 08:59:21 GMT Nuno Silva wrote:

[ .... ]

Now was there (I recall asking about this previously, but I forgot what
the answer was) a way to get a message-ID from that internal number, or
at least a way to get the address of the message's archive copy on the
gentoo website?
I haven't found it, if so.

Some time back I traded some emails with a sysadmin about this, and I'm pretty sure there is no way to make that translation.  The number is internal to the list software database and is apparently not surfaced anywhere except such messages.  In my case, I was usually able to to to the archive page for the list, and by displaying as messages (instead of threads) identify the one I never received.


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