On Monday 01 May 2006 11:14 pm, Alexander Skwar wrote:
> On Sunday 30 April 2006 11:21 am, Alexander Skwar wrote:
>> Kesara Rathnayake wrote:
>> > I guess Firefox is slow now because of whole lot of Extentions that we
>> > used today.
>> To find out, I asked OP to create a blank profile. I also assume
>> a local problem at his side. OP should simply create a new profile
>> and report back.
>> Alexander Skwar
>> PS: I begin to hate Googlemail because of the default to use HTML
>> even if it is not required. Sucks. Big time.
> I used the GMail web interface for a long time and it defaulted to plain
> text for me.

This might be correct. However on new accounts, HTML is used.
If you don't believe me, simply create a new account, and you'll

I'm not contending with you there.

Well, but you are contradiciting what I say. So, yes, in a sense,
you ARE contending with me.

>> Another thing that sucks, is that HTML mails are permitted on this
>> list. Why not just dump the HTML part (and every other attachment)?
> Why not,

Makes mails larger, without adding anything useful (normally).
Further, it makes mails a bit harder to read and harder to

At this point I'm inclined to think you're using an inferior mail client.

Aha, why's that?

KMail works just fine with HTML.  What are you using?

Thunderbird - as you can see in the header of my mails.

eg. the mail which I quoted: In HTML, it's about 1179 bytes. In
text/plain, it is 729 bytes. And actually, the HTML caused
overhead is even more, as the 2nd MIME part (the HTML part)
caused additional headers to be added. Those are an additional
378 bytes.

Yah, I agree with you that it's unnecessarily wasting space to use HTML. That's why I don't use it. However, I don't think it's right or polite to start harrassing people for using it.

Yes, it is. It is, as HTML posters are making other people receive
the HTML junk, even if those receivers do not want that. It's just
plain arrogant and, yes, it is most certainly okay to harras
arrogant egoists.

> if it irks you so much, make a script that will change RTF/HTML to
> Plaintext?

That's not a useful advice. I'd have to accept the (normally)
uselessly bloated mail first and then strip it. Makes no sense.

No, you're not thinking!

Yes, I am.

The mailing list server receives a email in HTML.

That's not what you wrote. You suggested, that I make a script.
This script can only run on a system which I control.

Convert the HTML to plaintext.

And overwrite a text/plain part?

Besides: See why it's arrogant of those HTML users to send mails
in HTML? They are making other people have to think about writing
programs, so that the mails can be converted.

That's not necessary if people would just use text/plain mails.

Alexander Skwar
No poet or novelist wishes he was the only one who ever lived, but most of
them wish they were the only one alive, and quite a number fondly believe
their wish has been granted.
                -- W.H. Auden, "The Dyer's Hand"
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