On Friday 07 July 2006 21:22, Rafael Fernández López wrote:

>       Second thing that I'd improve is a security one. I know that "emerge"
> is a very cared package, but it is a script. Suppose that someone
> commits portage with a emerge failure in its code (he forgot a comma
> !!)... if someone updates portage won't be able to update it again
> because it will fail ever and ever again... So I suggest to have a
> backuped emerge script that we are sure that worked (like the last
> emerge tool that was used), and if the new emerge tool is mistaken (so
> that user doesn't need to know python) only has to run "regenemerge" for
> example, and will have the latest emerge working tool.

once upon a time, there was a portage-rescue....

seems, that it is gone (why?) but you can still find it here:

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