I haven't done an emerge on my server in quite a while, but now that
I've upgraded the CPU/RAM, I figure it's about time.

There are a few packages I'm a bit apprehensive about upgrading. "exim"
being one. I hate that MTA. It was a nightmare to setup and get working
properly, and now I don't want to break it. (a friend set it up
actually, as that was the MTA he used.)

daevid portage # esearch exim
*  mail-mta/exim
      Latest version available: 4.67
      Latest version installed: 4.54
      Size of downloaded files: [no/bad digest]
      Homepage:    http://www.exim.org/

So I have this in my package.mask:

(Is this upgrade from 4.54 to 4.67 very smooth? Should I worry? I dread
having to deal with exim.conf again, and the exim users list is very
elitist. Usually saying RTFM for most issues -- but they all are experts
or mail admins. I'm not. Nor do I want to be.)

But when I do an "emerge -aut world", I get this blocking issue:

These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order:
[nomerge      ] x11-misc/xscreensaver-5.02 [5.01-r2] 
[nomerge      ]  x11-apps/appres-1.0.1 [1.0.0] 
[ebuild     U ]   x11-libs/libX11-1.1.1-r1 [1.0.3-r1] USE="-xcb%" 
[nomerge      ] sys-process/vixie-cron-4.1-r10 [4.1-r9] 
[ebuild  N    ]  mail-mta/ssmtp-2.61-r2  USE="ipv6 ssl -mailwrapper
[nomerge      ] kde-base/kdegraphics-3.5.5-r2 [3.5.5] 
[nomerge      ]  media-libs/lcms-1.15 [1.14-r1] USE="-tiff*" 
[nomerge      ]   dev-lang/swig-1.3.31 [1.3.25] USE="ruby* -lua% -mono%
-ocaml% -pike%" 
[nomerge      ]    dev-lang/php-5.2.2-r1 [5.2.1-r3] 
[nomerge      ]     net-misc/curl-7.15.1-r1 [7.15.1] USE="ldap* -idn*" 
[ebuild     U ]      net-nds/openldap-2.3.30-r2 [2.3.27]
[nomerge      ] media-gfx/imagemagick-6.3.3 [] 
[ebuild     U ]  x11-libs/libXt-1.0.5 [1.0.4] 
[blocks B     ] mail-mta/exim (is blocking mail-mta/ssmtp-2.61-r2)

(also, I never understand the --tree option. Does this mean that
"vixie-cron" is the issue, or "kdegraphics" is the issue? Being reverse
order, I am guessing vixie-cron, yet it says "nomerge" so that seems
like, why would it care, plus it's worked fine all these years with the
exim I have installed. Conversely, why would kdegraphics give a hoot
about a mail transport? I don't get it.)

And maybe I'm using this tool wrong, but this just adds to my confusion.

daevid portage # equery depends mail-mta/ssmtp
[ Searching for packages depending on mail-mta/ssmtp... ]

daevid portage # equery depends mail-mta/exim 
[ Searching for packages depending on mail-mta/exim... ]
app-admin/sudo-1.6.8_p9-r2 (virtual/mta)
app-admin/tripwire- (virtual/mta)
dev-lang/php-5.2.1-r3 (virtual/mta)
mail-client/mailx- (virtual/mta)
mail-filter/procmail-3.22-r7 (virtual/mta)
net-mail/mailman-2.1.5-r4 (virtual/mta)
sys-power/apcupsd-3.10.18-r1 (virtual/mta)
sys-process/vixie-cron-4.1-r9 (virtual/mta)

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