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Galevsky wrote:
> Yes it is.  Portage is not included

Huh? If are talking about installation, then whether the LiveCD carries
portage or not is irrelavent, portage is in the stage tarball you fetch
over the internet.

> you depend on other systems that
> don't mind about Gentoo needs and could go on different way, and I
> find very strange to have a 2.6.23 stable in Gentoo, but not necessary
> on other liveCD at the same time.

You don't depend on the LiveCD, it merely boots your computer and gives
you fdisk and mount, as soon as you unpack the stage tarball and chroot
into it, you are using the binaries from the stage tarball and gentoo's
base-layout, and at that point, what the LiveCD is becomes completely
irrelavent, so I'm afraid I can't agree with you here.

> plus networkless installations... I
> think it is very good -for any distro-  to have an installCD that
> brings a good system to not-connected machines. Just for them.

Networkless installations is well documented. Even without gentoo's
LiveCD, it can easily be done, some LiveCDs allow you to switch disc, or
 you can just use portable medias like USB flash. If you Google for it,
there are plenty of guides and tutorials, so I won't go into details.

> I mean dealing with Gentoo components versions sounds sensible....
> watching GRML/Knoppix/whatever website for a Gentoo install...surely
> less.

As I said in the thread earlier, do not bind your mind to the idea that
"you need gentoo to install gentoo", the fact is, you don't. The
installation steps from knoppixCD/GRML is almost identical to those from
a Gentoo CD, with only one exception: they don't come with /mnt/gentoo,
so you'll have to mkdir /mnt/gentoo, but if that makes it less sensible
as you claimed, I'm afraid I can't agree.

- -- Joe

- --
A computer scientist is someone who, when told "go to hell", considers
the "go to" harmful rather than the destination.

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