On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 04:02:07PM +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
> On 2008-07-15, Michael Pobega <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 03:25:58PM +0000, Grant Edwards wrote:
> >> On 2008-07-15, Nicolai Beuermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> 
> >>>> I was looking into IMAP but I can't really figure out how it
> >>>> works
> >>>
> >>> Maybe one can compare it with a simple remote filesystem.
> >> 
> >> With a few database features thrown in.
> >> 
> >> With IMAP, you can create folders on the server and leave all
> >> your mail there.  That way you can get to it with any IMAP
> >> client on any machine.  Most ISPs (and Gmail) offer web access
> >> as well.
> >
> > One problem I find is that switching from folder to folder
> > takes a long time ... Sometimes the cache saves, but other
> > times it needs to reread all 54,000 emails, and that takes
> > quite a while. Is there a better method of accessing my
> > folders to speed this up?
> You've got 54000 emails in a single folder?  Yikes.  I can't
> imagine that's going to be very fast even with local mail
> storage.  I use IMAP servers that have folders with a couple
> thousand messages -- that can take a second or two.  Most MUAs
> have a header-caching scheme that should prevent it from having
> to fetch all of the headers (let along read all the emails)
> when you change folders.  I have noticed that sometimes mutt
> re-scans the headers when I change to a folder, but I don't
> know what triggers that (it doesn't seem to happen regularly).

Yeah, my debian-user folder is at 54,000 e-mails now. It's pretty crazy,
it takes me about four minutes to access it. I don't know why Mutt needs
to continually cache the data, I thought the idea of caches was to
prevent things like this from happening?

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