Jeff Cranmer schrieb:
> On Sunday 21 December 2008 03:28:09 pm Justin wrote:
>> Jeff Cranmer schrieb:
>>> I'm afraid you'll need to be a little more specific on the accept
>>> keywords
>> reinstall and never change this variable. Stick to the many guides out
>> there. Your system is broken and fixing takes the same effort than
>> reinstalling.
> Except reinstalling raises the specter of losing all my key data.  The guides 
> are written for a blank system.  That is not what I have.  The problem is 
> with glibc.  Why can't I fix glibc and then to an emerge -eav from there?
> Jeff

boot livecd, mount the disc as described in the official manuals [1],
extract a propriate tarball, remove all /etc/portage/packages*, review
make.conf, emerge -e system, will bring back your system.

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