On Monday 22 December 2008 01:35:41 Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Sun, 21 Dec 2008 17:46:31 +0800, Mark David Dumlao wrote:
> > That was one of the coldest, most invisible, and hardest to
> > troubleshoot communication errors I've ever seen. I don't even know
> > where to begin. It's like being in a foreign country and being told,
> > years later, that wearing shoes there meant "I'm not serious, so
> > please ignore my opinions.".  The funny thing is, I have been
> > subscribed to this mailing list for maybe 2 years now, mostly just for
> > asking questions, but I didn't suspect that I was being ignored since
> > I usually got one or two answers.
> I wonder how it is possible to read this list for two years and never
> see a "no HTML please" post.
> Filing bugs is not the answer either, freedom is important, which means
> you are free to post in HTML and others are equally free to ignore you.#

Rightee-o boys and girls, this is the point where the pretty girl from candid 
camera reveals that you are all suckers and points to the hidden camera 
behind the mirror:

Am I the only one here that sees this is a stupid and completely irrelevant 
thread? HTML mail is like farting when you meet the Queen - you just don't do 
it. There isn't a rule about it, it's not an exam question and there never 
was a formal process that came up with it. But if you do start raising one 
cheek to split the crack and let rip, the butler might come along nicely and 
ask you not to. At which point you should say "um, gee, thanks, I didn't know 

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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