At Mon, 22 Dec 2008 01:58:30 +0200 Alan McKinnon <> 

> Rightee-o boys and girls, this is the point where the pretty girl from candid 
> camera reveals that you are all suckers and points to the hidden camera 
> behind the mirror:
> Am I the only one here that sees this is a stupid and completely irrelevant 
> thread? HTML mail is like farting when you meet the Queen - you just don't do 
> it. There isn't a rule about it, it's not an exam question and there never 
> was a formal process that came up with it. But if you do start raising one 
> cheek to split the crack and let rip, the butler might come along nicely and 
> ask you not to. At which point you should say "um, gee, thanks, I didn't know 
> that..."

I think that is a little harsh.  I dislike html mail, never send it,
and know perfectly well that this group is for text, bottom-posted mail.

I don't have a proposal for how a new user should find out, but I don't
think we should act as though a major offense was committed.  If after
being asked to send text only, a user insists on sending html, one could
then complain loudly (or simply ignore the mail or update your


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