On Monday 22 December 2008 03:06:07 Mark David Dumlao wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 22, 2008 at 7:58 AM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> 
> > Am I the only one here that sees this is a stupid and completely
> > irrelevant thread? HTML mail is like farting when you meet the Queen -
> > you just don't do it. There isn't a rule about it, it's not an exam
> > question and there never was a formal process that came up with it. But
> > if you do start raising one cheek to split the crack and let rip, the
> > butler might come along nicely and ask you not to. At which point you
> > should say "um, gee, thanks, I didn't know that..."
> That was a really dumb analogy. It conveniently ignores the problem
> and blows the situation out of proportion. As I said, very many mail
> readers _default_ to html mails, and a significant part of user to
> user contact is happily oblivious to it. It just doesn't come up in
> everyday parlance. Forgive this one seething reaction to your
> uncalled-for ridiculous holier-than-thou attitude, but the Internet
> didn't stop growing 10 years ago.
> It doesn't matter that there isn't a formal rule. What matters is
> there is no way to find out about the de-facto rule in one of the
> standard use-cases of a mailing list - which is to just ask a few
> quick questions and filter out any irrelevant topics.

Ooooh, touchy-touchy :-)

You should all have a good long hard look at yourselves about this thread - it 
looks EXACTLY the same as my 6 and 11 year old kids bicker between themselves 
about who took who's swimming goggles first

alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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