On Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 05:28:41PM -0500, Penguin Lover Philip Webb squawked:
> 090105 Willie Wong wrote:
> > On Mon, Jan 05, 2009 at 01:04:45PM -0500, Penguin Lover Philip Webb 
> > squawked:
> > have you checked your outgoing mail logs
> > to see if cron attempts to send mail when fetchmail is called? 
> Thanks for the suggestion: the last few lines of  /var/log/syslog  are :
>   Jan  5 17:10:01 localhost cron[4753]: (root) CMD (test -x 
> /usr/sbin/run-crons && /usr/sbin/run-crons )
>   Jan  5 17:10:01 localhost cron[4754]: (purslow) CMD (/usr/bin/fetchmail)
>   Jan  5 17:10:11 localhost sSMTP[4765]: Sent mail for r...@ca.inter.net (221 
> smtp-relay1.uniserve.ca closing connection) uid=1000 username=purslow 
> outbytes=1049
>   Jan  5 17:15:01 localhost cron[4908]: (purslow) CMD (/usr/bin/fetchmail)
>   Jan  5 17:15:09 localhost sSMTP[4909]: Sent mail for r...@ca.inter.net (221 
> smtp-relay2.uniserve.ca closing connection) uid=1000 username=purslow 
> outbytes=952

Okay, this suggests that either cron or your mailer is misconfigured.
>From the logs, you are running ssmtp. Check the config files for it to
see why mail intended for r...@localhost is delivered to
r...@ca.inter.net. And check /etc/crontab to see whether the MAILTO
field is set properly to where you want the mail to be delivered. 

Also, I don't know which implementation of cron you are using, but if
your crontab is under <userid>, then usually cron will demand
notification e-mails sent to <userid>... unless, hum, do a 

  ls -l /var/spool/cron/crontabs/

Is your user's crontab owned by root for some reason?

> > Actually, what is your cron recipe anyway? 
>  /var/log/spool/cron/crontabs/<userid>  is :
>   # DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - edit the master and reinstall.
>   # (/tmp/crontab.XXXXwsshN7 installed on Sun Nov  4 23:46:22 2007)
>   # (Cron version V5.0 -- $Id: crontab.c,v 1.12 2004/01/23 18:56:42 vixie Exp 
> $)
>   */5 * * * * /usr/bin/fetchmail
> I considered trying 'fetchmail -s', but I'm not sure
> how to add a flag in a cron file (perhaps by using a script).

for what it's worth, I have my fetchmail line as 
  /usr/bin/fetchmail > /dev/null
so I only get e-mails when fetchmail writes to stderr (so when there's
an error). 

Writing "fetchmail -s" instead of what you have really shouldn't be a
problem. Why do you think it needs a script? 

> > Also, have you updated either cron or fetchmail recently?
> The problem originated 090104 c0520 ,
> when I edited  ~/.fetchmailrc  to delete the reference to a logfile.
> However, attempts to restore the STATVS QVO ANTE have failed:
> I've restored the previous version of  .fetchmailrc  without success
> & I've remerged Fetchmail, rebooted & then run  fetchmailconf ,
> but the crazy mails continue to appear every  5 min  in my inbox.

Okay, running fetchmail -s (or redirecting fetchmail output to
/dev/null) will probably cure the problem of the deluge. But I still
think you MDA is misconfigured for local mail. 

Q: What's grey and proves the nondenumerability of the Reals? 
A: Cantor's Diagonal Elephant
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