>Hartmut Figge wrote:

>> No crash in the testprofile and you know, that something is wrong in the
>> old one. And if the testprofile crashes you can go back to the old
>> profile and have nothing lost but some minutes.
>This is what I did the other day when I renamed .mozilla to
>.mozilla.old.  Seamonkey did NOT crash when I did that.

Fine. No crash before ...

>It also didn't after I transfered my emails and didn't for a little
>bit after I transfered the password files.

... you touched the profile ...

>> Sounds like the prefs.js is corrupt after editing. Which editor did you
>> use? And surely SM was closed while editing, hm? ;)
>Actually, I used about:config to edit it.  I did restart Seamonkey tho
>it shouldn't be necessary.  My old passwords did show up then tho. 
>Again, that site worked the first couple times.

... but that could mean that SM with the unchanged profile could have
crashed also if only you had tried long enough.

Unlikely, though, because you seem the only one with this specific crash.

Now i have looked in the former thread and found

|After some testing, it is when I copy the pref.js
|file that the emails disappear again.

and i remembered you difficulties with emails. Did you really copy the
prefs.js from your old profile, edited it and use it now? Shudder. *g*

>> And i guess that something went wrong with editing the prefs.js. *g*
>This is the line that i changed:
>And I changed it to:

Mhm. This pref is for form history and should point to number.w. The
pref for passwords is signon.SignonFileName and points to number.s. Form
history pointing to number.s is, eh, quite unusual. ;)

>Which is the name of the file that contains my password info.

number.s contains password info, that's correct, but the corresponding
pref is signon.SignonFileName and not wallet.SchemaValueFileName.

>Is there a way to "export" then import my password info? I can't find
>one other than the way I did it.

Moving to a new profile isn't too hard. Years ago i had done so
sometimes, mostly, to get get rid of a corrupted prefs.js. E.g. at the
time as i tried sudo. *g*

Never use the old prefs.js or parts of it. I don't like changing prefs
with about:config and prefer user_pref in the user.js. There i can
comment and i know later what i had done. And i can use the user.js in a
new profile.

And for number.s and number.w, well, i had edited prefs.js, naturally
after making a backup.

>>  Did i mention already that you should use a testprofile?
>I have done that on windoze before.  It does work.  I just pulled out
>enough hair this week.  o_O

Reminds me on my migration to xorg 1.5. *g*


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