Neil Bothwick wrote:
On Fri, 08 Jan 2010 16:04:28 -0600, Dale wrote:

So, as I have been saying all along, repeatedly, Gentoo did not drop
the ball here, KDE did.

It's  their ball, they can do whatever they like with it. It doesn't
matter how much you complain, if unpaid, volunteer developers want to
work on the new stuff, that is their choice, and an unsurprising one.

Yep, it is their ball. It doesn't mean that I or anyone else has to like it tho.

If KDE didn't drop the ball then why is Redhat having to step up and do the job on the KDE developers?

They aren't, they are doing the job they were paid to do by their
customers. If you want continued, guaranteed support for KDE3, you have
two choices: do it yourself or buy a copy of RHEL with a support

Gentoo and KDE have given you far more than you paid for, ungrateful
whining only makes you look bad.

Then that would be the decision Redhat made after KDE dropped the ball? Again, someone picking up after KDE and doing what they could have done. I wonder if Redhat likes having to do that? Wouldn't they like their PAID people to be doing something else besides picking up after KDE?

Looks like I am still at fault for something I have no control whatsoever over. Maybe we should revive hal while we are at it. There must be a lot of people to blame there since there were so many complaining about it. That wasn't just me either. By the way, I dropped hal. Maybe KDE will be next?

:-) :-)

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