Dear Ron

Thank you for your further comments. I admire your dedication to save the
Earth -- my own research is driven by the same aspiration. Indeed we appear
to disagree on quite a few things. The aim of my responses to your comments
below is not to (immediately) persuade you but rather to show that a
different (and coherent) view on the available evidence exists that would
justify a different way out of the global climate crisis -- at the same
time ruling out some popular ways as implausible or even dangerous. I think
that knowing that such a view does exist could be useful even if you later
choose to totally neglect it.

Best wishes,

*[RWL: With apologies for this final question (based on reading** no
urgency on your part about getting back ASAP below 350 ppm of CO2):*

* Can you explain how your above negative position on bio-based carbon
removal relates (or not) to the often-stated concern that high-latitude
countries believe they could benefit from a warmer climate?]*
I do not think that any country in the world will benefit if the global
climate change continues. Moreover, I regret very much that in my country
(Russia) the discussion of global (and regional) environmental problems in
the society is practically non-existent. (And where it sporadically occurs,
it is totally uninformed.) I am doing what I can to improve the situation.

*[RWL3:   I have to say I also can “ not quite believe” that natural
forests can handle all the “anthropogenic atmospheric carbon” (i.e mostly**
fossil fuels).   I look forward to reading more on this.*]

I used this example [with an unexpected carbon sink from natural forests
found] to illustrate that applying the limiting principles to natural
ecosystems [which is what absolutely all current model projections are
based upon] is not a feasable approach. If this sink (of over 1 GtC/yr) had
not been found, people would have said: this is what we had expected! The
fact that it was found, however, did not change the mainstream use of the
limiting principle, mostly because, I think, the latter is what I call
"conceptually simple".

*[RWL11:  Biochar proponents rarely use the loaded word “plantations”.
Much more apt to talk about adding a second income stream beyond “food”.
I am disappointed that we are apparently not going to agree on anything
related to biochar.  I think you are not appreciating how badly we need to
get back to 350 ppm CO2 and giving too little credit to science.
Converting pasture land back to a forest managed for combined energy and
biochar outputs seems to me to be a much better option than letting that
same land return somehow to an ill-defined “natural” state.]*

In recent years with our novel propositions I got used to reprimands like
me "giving too little credit to [mainstream] science". Having published
several detailed critiques of studies that serve as bricks to what people
perceive as the mainstream, I'd say that my attitude is, rather, that of a
critical insider who does not forget about the major weaknesses in several
fields when drawing far-reaching global conclusions.

In my view, we badly need to re-gain climate stability. As I said before,
returning back to 350 ppm (by whatever means) does not automatically
guarantee us the desired outcome. Moreover, some efforts aimed at 350 ppm
can produce an opposite outcome. As we all know, global temperature is
governed not only by CO2, but also by clouds which influence both the
albedo and the greenhouse effect. We know that clouds are hugely important,
but we do not know how they impact the climate. [Nothing of the kind -- the
more [or less] clouds, the better.] So if, in a global biochar initiative,
we create large areas that will make a global impact on the cloud cover,
this impact can be destabilising (i.e. leading to more warming). My grounds
to think that it will most likely be destabilising stems from the
appreciation that in the climate system there are serious positive [i.e.
destabilising] physical feedbacks associated with water vapor and that
there is no ready explanation to the thermal stability of climate unless we
take natural ecosystems into account as [very complex] climate regulators.
If one accepts that climate regulation is a complex, non-random regional
process formed in each region during millions years of evolution of natural
ecosystems, there are no grounds to expect that some random collections of
species optimized for high NPP and allowed to operate on large areas will
perform that regulation.

*[RWL7:  I can’t agree that the fossil 9 Gt C/yr is less important than our
(horrible) “destruction of those natural systems”  nor that “.. we would
not have seen any global warming."   I also can’t agree that biochar fits
this last phrase “artificial biological system” warning nor that the 9 Gt
C/yr of fossil input is beyond the capability of the existing “natural
ecosystem” to handle the job.  I also know of no model that suggests
your “would not have seen” position to be plausible, and so hope you can
cite any such model.   In any case we have harmed that natural system, so I
still believe biochar has the potential to “quickly”  (i.e. > 5 GtC/yr)
 get us back to 350 ppm, if (globally) we take on that task.]*

There are no models that would show that with intact ocean and forests we
would not have seen any global warming even at current CO2 levels --
because we have lost most of natural forests and disturbed the ocean well
before we could have studied and quantified in detail their global climate
regulatory potential. However, the luft of global temperature sensitivity
to carbon emissions in modern models is very large and via manipulation
with the aerosols' response to growing CO2 concentration the models can be
tuned to simulate almost any response, including [possible] absence of any
warming due to the compensation by other mechanisms that control surface

*[RWL9: I agree that many forest systems have been handled badly.  There
are also some commercial forests that have been progressively more
productive.  So,  I feel you are giving too little credit to what can be
done by skilled foresters.  All land cannot possibly be left to go wild
- especially in the short time we have to do something about getting back
to 350 (or less) ppm CO2.   The only rationale I have seen for the huge
beetle kill in my own state of Colorado is a lack of sufficient cold-enough
winter days (caused by CO2).   Southern Canada is already
experiencing beetle kill;  p**resumable Russia will follow soon.] *

That bark beetles attack North American forests because of global warming
is, in my view, another "conceptually simple" icon conveniently spread in
public. In my comment I said that managed forests at a certain point become
fragile to any disturbance. You imply that Colorado forests would not have
died from beetles if the temperature were lower. My point was different: I
state that even at current temperatures the forests may not have died (ie
beetles could not have destroyed them) if they had not been weakened by
decades of exploitation, artificial management and suppressed natural
recovery processes. This can be illustrated by comparing managed vs
(relatively) unmanaged forests at the same latitude. E.g. in Alaska in
1990s there was a huge spike of bark beetle infections (Berman et al. 1998
Figure 2 on p. 32), while at the same latitude in Eastern Fennoscandia
(Russia), where forest management regime is drastically different, none
were registered (Gromtsev 2002
"The survey of forests in the regions however revealed no entomological
invasions (Yakovlev et al. 2000). In spite of the significant age of the
surveyed forests, *lack of management*, frequent fires and a *relatively
high abundance of potentially damaging species*, stem pests mainly attack
already dead and dying trees, the die-back of which was induced by other

I bet you will be unable, using published literature, to disprove my
statement. It is an alternative explanation of a conspicuous pattern. It
has important implications. It means that if you add interference to
natural forests (with very good intentions), they will lose stability and
can, at a certain point, themselves become a (powerful) destabilizer.

It is also clear that to blame global warming (rather than industrial
forest management) for forest die-back via beetle invasions is in the
interest of the forest industry.

*[RWL10:   Perhaps, but there is considerable growing evidence that biochar
improves soil functioning and health - although I agree we cannot yet
predict when, where and how much. No reasonable farmer or forester is going
to apply biochar on a late scale without testing;  testing** for a given
char, soil, and plant species competition is cheap and easy.*

*  The experience with terra preta soils of a large (4-5x?) increase in
biochar-blessed land values near Manaus Brazil says a lot about climate
regulation; there is zero conflict between biochar’s climate and soil
improvement properties.]*
You appear to imply an equality sign between high primary productivity and
efficient climate regulation. It is not the same. High productivity per se
does not guarantee any stabilising climate impact. If we talk about carbon,
a carbon sink is ensured when there is a positive difference between
ecosystem production and decomposition of organic matter: i.e. more carbon
is synthesized than decomposed. So if you just grow productivity,
decomposition can grow as well (or more), with an arbitrary net outcome.
The high ecosystem productivity on terra preta soils says us nothing about
whether these ecosystems can act as a larger or lower carbon sink: we need
to know how decomposition behaves.

Furthermore, a healthy state of natural ecosystem is not the one with
maximum productivity -- it is the state with optimal productivity allowing
maximum environmental homeostasis. By analogy, a healthy state of human
body is not the state of fever (when our metabolic rate is the highest) --
it is a state when the metabolic rate (and temperature) is normal. Fever
(or increased productivity) is a reaction of the human body (ecosystem) on
a disturbance aimed to compensate it soonest possible. In this perspective,
the human-derived biochar in the Amazon was perceived by the ecosystem as a
disturbance which it continues to handle by gradually amending the biochar
properties. Note that 500+ years is not a very large period if counted in
tree life spans.

> *4b.   One reason to favor biochar is the presumed/claimed increase in NPP
> (Terra preta soils giving double or more NPP today (500+ years after
> placement) in the Amazon).  Should biochar-amended soils then have roughly
> double annual evaporation per unit area as well?  *

Generally yes, evaporation is proportional to NPP. However, for the biotic
pump we do not just need high evaporation. There is no simple rule of
thumb: the more evaporation, the better.

Consider how the biotic pump works: the forest has a certain store of
moisture in soil. It takes some of this water and transfers to the
atmosphere by evapotranspiration. Then this moisture condenses, pressure
falls, and winds are driven towards the condensation area. For the system
to continue working, the winds must bring moisture enough to compensate for
the continuous runoff. If the needed moisture does not arrive, the forest
will get drier.

We thus can see that* the biotic pump is a clever investement of moisture*:
the forest must spend it wisely to gain more in return than it has spent.
No hopes that a random collection of species optimised for high NPP (i.e.
just for high spending rates) will achieve that goal. E.g. eukalypts and
poplars evaporate a lot, but, not being able to arrange a sufficient
moisture inflow, they just waste the existing ground water until it is
totally depleted.

*4c.   More biochar should also give better rainfall retention (less
runoff).  Should this lead to more (and more even) annual evaporation (and
therefore more beneficial inland rainfall)?*
Better rainfall retention means more moisture in soil [it is a store]. It
does not impact steady-state runoff [it is a flux, not a store], which is
equal to the net import of moisture via the atmosphere.

*4e.  Generally speaking, biochar feedstock is not hugely critical, aside
from wanting large annual NPP.  Probably species could be added or favored
that have maximum particulate release.  Can you give any cite to trees that
appear best or worse in this regard?  We hear of preferences for micnthus
and (very tall perennial) grasses.  Might any also be good particulate

See 4b above. We do not need good particle emitters. We need optimal
particle emitters, which emit the right particles at right time in right
amounts. Given their abnormal complexity, we cannot predict these
properties a priori. All we do know is that natural forests ARE such
optimal emitters. Chances that a random collection of species will do the
same are, in my view, non-existent.

*4h.    The SRM side of this list would presumably want to better
understand any changes in albedo that you have been able to work on -
especially cloud brightening, but possibly there are some higher altitude
solar radiation aspects as well.  There is tremendous uncertainty on even
the sign of the impact of clouds in climate modeling.  Can your work so far
address any of the uncertainties related to the many different kinds and
heights of clouds - on both long and short wavelength radiation?*

Clouds are primarily a product of low-level air circulation: they form when
moist air ascends and cools. In our work we propose that the driving
mechanism behind air circulation and convection is not temperature
differences (which is how it is parameterized in models). It is a very big
claim. If we are correct, this has enormous implications for the problem of
climate stability and the cloud feedback on surface temperature. We have
not yet performed any such analyses -- we are concerned formulating the new
theory in quantitative terms in the first place. But one relevant result
<> that we obtained is that there
is a critical point around 50C where any kinetic energy generation on Earth
would stop (and, hence, most clouds should disappear).

*4i.   You have stated that ocean evaporation is much smaller than that
over land.  However, some on this list are interested in fostering ocean
biomass (more than the biochar community).  The Sargasso sea for instance
may have species that emit similarly to trees.  Mangroves are fast growing
and need reforestation many places.  Should these shoreline biomass species
be favored at all?*

More correctly, I said that over the forest under proper circumstances
(instantaneous) evaporation can be much greater than over the ocean --
because of high leaf area index (larger evaporative surface per unit ground
surface area). On average, long-term evaporation is limited by solar
radiation, so the ratio between oceanic and forest evaporation is not
directly proportional to leaf area index.

Shoreline forests are very important as the connect the continental part of
the biotic pump with the moisture source (the ocean). It is a high priority
to preserve/restore coastal forests.

*4j.  I have visited a few island and coastal sites that have a regular
cloud (and I think regular predictable rainfall).  Might there have been
any that can relate to either the removal of forests - or reforestation?
I am trying to think through luture low cost experiments - as island
countries/communities are those most supportive of CDR;  I understand that
your theory is normally working over 100’s of kilometers. *

Yes, it would be good to have some experiment for restoration of biotic
pump and an island, where natural forest can still be recovered, might be a
good place to start.

Thank you again for your interest.
Best wishes,

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