
all dependencies should be installed automatically by the package management system.

Are your libnetcdf11 and JVM the same same architecture? For example, both amd64, and not one amd64 and another i386?

I re-read your original question and note that the native NetCDF-4 library is only required to *write* NetCDF-4. The pure Java implementation included with GeoServer can read NetCDF-4. If you only want GeoServer to read NetCDF-4, you can safely ignore the WARN message.

Kind regards,

On 01/03/18 20:45, Maria Krommyda wrote:
Dear Ben,
Thank you for your response.Unfortunately this did not solve my problem.
I even tried a clean built, on a fresh VM, with only GeoSerever 2.12.2, 
NetCDF-4 and the library installation as you suggested, fearing that my 
multiple attempts to install the library in the previous VM had resulted in 
some conflicts, but I still get the same error.
Is it possible that I am missing an additional package?
Best regards, Maria.

     Στις 10:48 μ.μ. Τετάρτη, 28 Φεβρουαρίου 2018, ο/η Ben Caradoc-Davies 
<> έγραψε:

the easiest way to install the NetCDF-4 native libraries on Ubuntu 16.04
is to install the binary package provided by your distribution with:

sudo update
sudo apt-get install libnetcdf11

Restart Jetty and everything should just work.

The GeoServer documentation should suggest using distribution packages
where available, rather than building from source.

Kind regards,

On 01/03/18 01:56, Maria Krommyda via Geoserver-users wrote:
Hello everyone,
Let me start be giving you the current status of my installation progress. I have 
installed on a Ubuntu 16.04 machine with openjdk version 1.8.0_151 the Geoserver 
2.12.2 using the Jetty server.I have successfully installed the WPS, importer and 
geomesa-accumulo extentions.I am currently trying to install the NetCDF extention.I 
have downloaded the correct jar for the GeoServer version, added them to the lib 
folder in the geoserver_path/webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF and I can see the NetCDF 
option under Create new data source->Raster data source-> NetCDF.
I have also tried, but apparently failed, to install the NetCDF-4 native 
libraries as I need to import NetCDF-4 data files. I have followed the 
instruction but 
upon starting the GeoServer I get the error:
WARN [serverStartup] - Nc4Iosp: NetCDF-4 C library not present 
(jna_path='/usr/local/lib/', libname='netcdf').
Please note that the jna_path is not null, as it is implied in the installation 
instructions, in the error that I get, however it is not set by me and running echo 
$jna_path from the same terminal, before and after starting the GeoServer returns the 
expected null.I think that the error might come from step 5 in the installation 
instructions where it say "Make sure to add the lib folder of the package you have 
extracted, to the PATH environment variable."I am not sure to which extracted 
package is referred, given that none of the zlib, hdf5 and NetCDF-4 downloads include a 
lib folder. What I did instead was add the lib folder of my installation directory, based 
on the example /work/libs/nc4libs/lib, to the PATH environment.I have also tried to 
install the NetCDF-4 library at the /usr/local/lib/ path but that didn't change the 
Any help and ideas of what might cause such error are highly appreciated. If 
you need any additional information please let me.
Thank you very much for you time, Maria.

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Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Transient Software Limited <>
New Zealand

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