What class is allowed to do what (ie access disk) is kind of up to your 
classloader. Applets are loaded with a restricted classloader (that is 
why epsg-hsql cannot be used with an applet). Some application servers 
also restrict what a web applicaiton is allowed to do (I am not sure 
what you are running? Jetty? Tomcat? WebSphere?).

So even if the geotools directory is creaed in /tmp (it may be from 
another run when you were testing?) - your applet or web application may 
not be able allowed to read it.
> My understanding is as long as Geotools directory is created in my 
> local /tmp then when I ask for a CRS by passing a EPSG code it should 
> go to this /tmp directory to query in hsql database. I'm not sure 
> about the performance monitor, does it change the policy to find the 
> /tmp? Or it's related to how oracle form works with java bean?
> Sun
> Jody Garnett wrote:
>> Okay...
>> epsg-wkt works - in an application, the code using it is a Java Bean 
>> extending JPanel.
>> This java is also called from an applet (an oracle form) - does it 
>> still work? I assume so
>> Then we switch topics and start talking about epsg-hsql ...
>> Your application should still work; and create a file in tmp
>> Your applet should not work (since it is not allowed to see the disk 
>> drive)
>> hsperf is a performance monitoring tool; perhaps you have a 
>> performance monitor going somewhere?
>> Jody
>> Lareina Sun wrote:
>>> Sorry to bother you so many times but I'm really confused. I think I 
>>> didn't describe it clearly. I tried epsg-wkt and it works. But my 
>>> java app is just a bean extending JPanel. This bean is called by 
>>> oracle form which is an applet. All operation using Geotools is in 
>>> the java code. Since the EPSG database can be created in my local 
>>> /tmp I think the java bean  should be able to access the EPSG 
>>> database. There is one thing weird: it not only created Geotools 
>>> directory and some "hsperfdata" directories in my local /tmp, it 
>>> also created "hsperfdata" directories in /tmp on server side 
>>> excluding Geotools directory.
>>> Why that happened?
>>> Thanks for your patience.
>>> Sun
>>> Jody Garnett wrote:
>>>> Your applet should either use a real database installed on your 
>>>> sever and made available to the applet (ie epsg-oracle or 
>>>> epsg-postgres), or make use of something it can use on the client 
>>>> side (ie. epsg-wkt ).
>>>> The epsg-hsql can only be used by a desktop application, or a 
>>>> server application (where the application container lets the web 
>>>> app work with some temporary files on disk).
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Jody
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> When I ran the app on the server it did create a Geotools 
>>>>> directory in my local /tem directory. But it still doesn't work 
>>>>> because it threw an exception to complain about no EPSG object 
>>>>> found which can be found if running locally. Could you tell me 
>>>>> that if the applet cannot access the EPSG database created on 
>>>>> either the client side nor server side and I must use epsg-wkt 
>>>>> plugin?
>>>>> Thanks

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