On Sat, 22 Jan 2000, Jon M. Taylor wrote:
>       Luckily, although this is all quite complex, I do not think it
> impossible.  One or more LibGII translation modules will need to sit in
> the input stream and perform the various translation steps, wile also
> sending events back and forth to the higher-level LibGGI code which
> handles the display updating, highlighting, autocompetion, etc.  And I
> would be surprised if there were not already some open source code
> Japanese grammar engine code out there, give how much has been done
> already WRT Japanese locale support.

You dont need to do anything. Just write a frontend that speaks to Canna.

Canna is the dictionary/grammar parser. kinput2 is merely an X11 front end
to it. Communication to Canna is done over unix domain sockets.

Linux already works quite well with Canna/kinput2+X11. Many distributions
include preconfigured RPMs for this. Debian too, I think.

If you plan to support japanese language, this is where you should start.


The sections of particular interest are 'Japanese Encoding Methods' and
'Japanese Input'. Ignore the parts on Wnn, though. Canna and kinput2 are
what everyone uses.

If you implement anything, do it the way kinput2 does it. It's well
understood and everyone will be used to it. Noone likes to have to
re-learn new input methods.

BTW default encoding method for Japanese on Linux is EUC.


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