> > On Sunday 15 December 2002 16:01, Christoph Egger wrote:
> > > libbse, libgic and libgpf are NO extensions. Thus, how should we mark
> > > ggi libs, which are NO extensions? IMO, extensions should be
> > > distinguishable from non-extensions by their (package-)names.
> > 
> > I clearly seem to fail to understand why this would be important, but 
> > anyway, this is not a problem (possibly an aesthetic issue, though).
> Well, ok... When there are no objections within the next 6 hours,
> I'll start to rename _all_ ggi libs (libgpf, libgic and libbse) and
> extensions
> (libgalloc, libbuf, libovl, libblt, libwmh, libgcp, libvideo, libxmi,
> etc.)
> to the form of libggi<name>. (i.e. libggigpf, libggigic, libggibse,
> libggigalloc, libggibuf,
> libggiovl, etc.)

I am done with that now. All is in CVS.
libwmh and libgcp are repackaged (see

Martin: Now again, it is your turn :)


Christoph Egger

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