On Wed, 2016-04-20 at 06:46 +0200, Sven Claussner wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry if I'm asking the wrong question but I feel I have to.
> Since 18.04.2016 there is a raw importer plug-in in GIMP master
> that calls darktable to do its job. With the same commit
> the GEGL NEF importer was disabled which is a quite clear sign
> of the devs' preferences.
> On the one hand it is great we have proper import for raw
> files in GIMP and darktable is indeed a great application for
> raw processing. On the other hand I see that up to 90% of the PC
> users are Windows users, for instance see these [statistics].
> In the past the darktable devs refused to provide a Windows build
> for understandable reasons of maintenance and even didn't want to
> hear about Partha's Windows build (see the latest discussion about
> this on the darktable dev mailing list in February 2016). The latter
> makes it also very difficult to discuss Windows related bugs
> which will definitely come.
> So, it seems GIMP and Darktable are now trapped - how are
> 90% of the GIMP users supposed to import raw files with an
> application that will probably never support their platform?
> What has led to this decision?
> Did anybody compare the various ways to import raw files
> into GIMP (GEGL, darktable, ufraw, photoflow etc.)?

Nope, we use darktable because  it works great, and because
the darktable guys hang around in #gimp and are nice to work
with, which trumps most other aspects from an engineering
point of view.


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