> I have been watching and searching for a while but have not found much
> so I decided to ask.
> Is IPTC and EXIF support on the road map for GIMP in the near future?
> It looks like that information is currently stripped out of an image
> if
> the image is edited in GIMP.
> I would be nice if GIMP supported keeping the IPTC and EXIF
> information
> along with viewing it.

With regard to exif data, there is an option in the jpeg save as
dialog to retain or strip out the exif data

Out of curiousity I just converted a jpg with exif to png then ran
exiftool against it and got out some of the exif data, so I am not
sure your "strip out exif data" is a correct statement

AFAIK, exif support has been in gimp for years. IPTC is something new,
though I think exiftool handles it


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