On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 9:45 AM, Siddharth wrote:
> Hi,
> I am currently pursuing MS by Research in the field of computer vision and
> image processing at IIIT- Hyderabad, India. I am interested in working for
> GIMP organization this summer in a GSoC project.
> Some of my own ideas:
> a) Image denoising
> b) Color2Gray
> c) Domain Transform for Edge-Aware Image Processing (Non-Photorealistic
> Animation and Rendering)
> d) Surface Extraction from Texture

I have a feeling of deja vu. Didntt you post it verbatim to Blender
mailing list a few days ago as well? :)

Anyway, those are valid ideas, and edge-aware filters actaully are
perfectly applicable to photography as well.

Have you already bult GIMP from source code?

Alexandre Prokoudine
gimp-user-list mailing list

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