I have seldom if ever posted to the list, but I wish to reply to, endorse,
post by Norbert Preining in which he takes to task those who resort to
name-calling (we who mourn a lost but valuable feature are called "whiners"
and our valid observations belittled).   Norbert says

  I am myself developer of open source projects as well as Debian
developer, so not some casual user.
  These bullying emails are just plain rubbish. Software should be
written with the users in mind. And
  - opening a jpg file
  - editing
  - saving
  should result in a saved version of the original file,
Yes.  And a more important point that Norbert goes on to make is that
developers should listen to users and take theminto account.  I know
about maintaining layers.  I save my GIMP work every fifteen minutes
or so.  I don't need to beprotected, I just want to be able, when I'm
ready, to "save as"  jpeg or png or whatever my client wants and then,
if I
choose, continue to tweak it, or at least re-open it to check and make
sure I have the requested dpi or make sure
am happy with it before sending it out.  Without having it turn back
into an xcf that my client does not want.
This need to re-check may be a personal flaw, but it's not GIMP's
place to protect me from that. Now I know that there is
at least one moderator who is a bit taken with his own authority, so
maybe this won't get to the list, but I do want to
ask:  Are there any GIMP developers who read this list?  They removed
a feature ( save as) that many users want, and
they have been deaf to the hundreds if not thousands of requests to
put it back.  Do developers read this list, and
do they care what their users want?

I have seldom if ever posted to the list, but I wish to reply to, endorse,
post by Norbert Preining in which he takes to task
those who resort to name-calling (we who mourn a lost but valuable feature
are called "whiners") and our
valid observations belittled.   Norbert says

I am myself developer of open source projects as well as Debian
developer, so not some casual user.
These bullying emails are just plain rubbish. Software should be
written with the users in mind. And
- opening a jpg file
- editing
- saving
should result in a saved version of the original file,

Yes.  But a more important point that Norbert makes is that developers
should listen to users and take them
into account.

I know about maintaining layers.  I save my work in GIMP every fifteen
minutes or so.  I don't need to be
protected, I just want to be able, when I'm ready, to "save as"  jpeg
or png or whatever my client wants
and then, if I choose, continue to work on it, or at least re-open it
to check and make sure I have the
requested dpi or make sure am happy with it before sending it out.
This need to re-check may be a personal
flaw, but it's not GIMP's place to protect me from that.

Now I know that there is at least one moderator who is a bit taken
with his own authority, so maybe this won't

get to the list, but I do want to ask:  Are there any GIMP developers
who read this list?  And do they
care what their users want?


Robert H. Vorsteg
UANA Community Liaison
      Using Linux, SuSE 11.1
gimp-user-list mailing list
List address:    gimp-user-list@gnome.org
List membership: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/gimp-user-list
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