Le 19/07/2014 21:13, Akkana Peck a écrit :
It works for me only if I switch to the Move tool. So:

- Make selection with rect select (or whatever)o

- Ctrl-Alt-Drag the selection (this automatically makes a floating
   layer of it).
Yeah !

- Switch to the Move tool (the floating layer is still there).
- Adjust position with arrow keys.

For simple purpose, draging is enough + CTRL+H afterward.

Out of curiosity, why do you need to move something and leave a hole
where it used to be? I know a lot of people want it, and I've always
been curious what they're editing that makes this a useful operation.

There are lots of usecase where the background is plain white
or plain transparent or monocolor space
and its nice to be able to simply move some element
inside this blank space.


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