On Sun, May 01, 2005 at 06:52:25PM +0200, Rene Jensen wrote:
> Howdy folks, and thanks for a great program.
> I don't know where you keep you link section for external resources, but
> if you want to add my brushes and patterns, feel free to do so. All is
> free and homemade so no strings attached. I use most of it for game
> graphics, and it works sweet. One do have to figure out how to use them
> first, though :)
> I add to the collection every now and then. 
> Stuff: http://www.artcamilla.dk/vaultage/cornucopia/
> Examples of use: http://www.artcamilla.dk/vaultage/examples/
> Have fun and keep coding, it makes the world happy..
thank you for sharing this!

i was particularly pleased to see the python scripts there.  i am even
sorry that i did not pay attention in my math classes enough to have
conceived of such an approach to brushes.  my thank you extends beyond
the actual scripting but to the fact you were paying attention to some



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