On Sun, 29 Apr 2007 09:12:18 -0600
Bob Meetin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I inherited an image, a logo, in which I need to swap out one color, 
> solid region, for another.  Seems simple. 
> I open in gimp, select the region using, have tried both 'Select regions 
> by color' and 'Select contiguous regions', then apply any new color and 
> I end up with a mix of the original and replacement color.  After 
> befuddling myself for an hour (including using other image editing 
> software) I copied the image from .gif to both .jpg and .png format.  As 
> a .png or .jpg the color replacement works fine. 
> See the 3 'raw' images at
> www.dottedi.biz/codesamples/images/shape.gif
> www.dottedi.biz/codesamples/images/shape.jpg
> www.dottedi.biz/codesamples/images/shape.png
> I don't really want to be using .jpg or .png images unless I have to.  
> So the question, what is causing the replacement to fail and is there a 
> way to make or convet  the .gif accept the color swap?

Open your image
Save it as an xcf file
Filters->Filters->Colours->Colour to Alpha

Then create a new layer and do your filling as required

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