Hello everyone,

i use gimp quite regurarly but i have a problem with color correction.

In fact, with some digital photo i make, my camera ( and not only mine, 
i have tried other cameras and they all have the same problem ) creates 
a very innatural shade of what i would call green ( see sample ).

I know it is a false color since it appears very strange for me that i 
have seen the real one, and also i have tried with a traditional camera 
with several slide films ( both fuji and kodak of various kinds ) and it is 
very different from the digital one.

A sample of the problem: 
http://www.webalice.it/giulio.canevari/tmp/IMG_1348.JPG ( 4.8 MB, if someone 
wants a resized one let me know and i'll provide ).

The official logo on the web, with the right shade of green: 

As you can see, the difference is huge.

A photo with the right green:

I have asked here and there but after all a friend of mine has showed me 
how to fix this color, but he knows only photoshop.

In fact, he adds a color correction layer, and adding black to the cyan 
channel seems to fix the problem.

Is there a simple way to do this with the gimp??

Thank you in advance.
Giulio Canevari

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