Greg S. wrote:
>>>>> Greg S. wrote:
>>>>>> Hi, i have already installed babl and gegl but still no good when
>>>>>> using
>>>>>> ./configure This is driving me nuts.
>>>>> What about the
>>>>> "Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you
>>>>> installed software in a non-standard prefix."
>>>>> part? If you need help to understand this one you should say so,
>>>>> otherwise people will assume that you are actually doing what it
>>>>> suggests.
>>>>> HTH,
>>>>> Michael
>>>>> Yes I need all the help I can get. Please advise me how to do this.
>>>> PKG_CONFIG_PATH what am I to do to make this work. Please explain to
>>>> me like I
>>>> am a 5 year old.
>>> You don't say what you are using as an OS, but what you are missing in
>>> my mind, are the development files for gegl and babl
>>> if you built babl and gegl from scratch, no problems, but sounds like
>>> you might be using Ubuntu or fedora. So look in you package manager
>>> for things like gegl-dev and babl-dev
>>> If you built babl and gegl in some non standard directory, you need to
>>> tell the system where to find them, hence;
>>> export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/non_standard/directory/lib/pkgconfig
>>> hth
>>> I am using Centos 5.3

> This sort of thing comes up continually when installing from tarball.
> (1) Is the library/package complained of on your system or  not?
> (2) If it is, have you got the development package? - you'll need it. 
> Check with your package manager or look for files on your system 
> (typically in /usr) named <name of package>-devel: without it you 
> can't proceed with compilation. If you haven't, get the development 
> package from somewhere (installation disk, upgrading resource, or 
> Googling for the tarball if necessary.
> (3) If you have, where are the libraries for that package installed? 
> commonly /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib, but may be /usr/lib64 or more 
> outlandish places - Find File or equivalent is your friend.
> (4) use "echo $PKG_CONFIG_PATH" to see where compilation is going to 
> be looking for external programs - assuming you haven't resolved the 
> problem already by this stage, the libaries you need will be in none 
> of those places.
> (5) Use Find File for folders named "pkgconfig"  or files ending in 
> ".pc"(no quotes). You'll find quite a number. You should be able to 
> recognise the relevant .pc file for your package amongst the names in 
> the list.
> Note which folder it's in, e.g. 
> "/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.2/lib/pkgconfig" (to quote a genuine 
> outlandish example)
> (6) Then use the export PKG_CONFIG_PATH before configuring, i.e.
> export 
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.5.2/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH 
> (This adds the new path to existing ones.
> Note: as a general rule *don't* use export 
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/non_standard/directory/lib/pkgconfig or you'll 
> completely replace the existing path for this session. You may need 
> the existing path for other progs in the compilation).
> /configure
> make
> (then as root) make install
> Doug

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