On Mon, 2010-06-21 at 20:13 +0200, Branko Vukelic wrote:
> Well, if you insist. I must ask you this: why? Forgive me if I err,
> but this sounds like one of those "You can't be a fancy designer if
> you can't do CMYK in your image editing app!" arguments. Do you have
> some valid reason why you cannot do a decent job with separate+ and
> need direct editing capabilities in CMYK mode?

The problem may be that when working in the Gimp it may be required to
refer to something that was done using CMYK. The major issue that The
Gimp has is that it's CMYK interpertation is not accurate. Whereas
photoshop is very accurate. I have several times attempted to get the
same results of pulling in images that were created in Photoshop using
CMYK into The Gimp but not getting an accurate color representation.

Once you have the image imported correctly CMYK doesn't really matter at
that point, unless you want to export it for print again. But the import
procedure is where the problem would most likely stem. I'm just guessing
as to the original posters issue, but I do know that this is the problem
that I have seen.

    o)    Derek Wueppelmann             (o
   (D .    mon...@monkeynet.ca           D).
   ((`      http://www.monkeynet.ca/    ( ) `


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