> Also, because of the differences in compression types, some images that
 > compress very well in TIFF's type of compression, compress very badly in
 > JPG-type compression. The type of images that do this are images 
which have
 > lots of very thin lines, in other words: blueprints. I don't have a good
 > solution for saving this type of file in JPG. It really depends on 
why you
 > want to re-save the file to JPG in the first place.

I would like to add that JPG is supposed to be used with photographs. 
It's one of the least suitable formats you could use for drawings. 
Unnecessary big file size with unnecessary low quality. I really wonder 
how you could work with a quality of 40-50. You should have suffered 
from very bad artefacts...

The best format would be a vector graphic as suggested. But from my 
experience it's hard to get a good one from pixel files. It might look 
good at one spot but on another some stuff is missing which you won't 
recognize from the beginning.
My suggestion is to either use TIFF with compression (was already 
suggested) or to use PNG (or even GIF). The latter ones where designed 
to fit drawings. PNG is even lossless. GIF is somewhat obsolete but you 
might try it anyway.

Typical compression rates in the files I use: uncompressed TIFF with 2-3 
MB, PNG with 200-300 KB.

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