
Do a select>by colour and then use an eraser to get rid of those parts you want to be 
transparent or use a brush to paint in the colour you want.

Select by colour also comes with a fruzziness threshold, increasing this level may get 
the effect you want too.

Additionally you may want to feather your selection by say 1 or 2 if the selection has 
smooth curves.

>Date: Sat, 4 Dec 1999 23:05:03 -0800 (PST)
>Subject: Color replacement (tool)?
>In Corel Draw there is a thing called a color replacement tool.
>It allows you to select a color in an image you are working on
>and then select another color that you want to replace the
>first one with. Then you take this tool and wipe it over areas
>of your work where the color you want to replace is. The color
>gets replaced without affecting any of the other colors. How
>do we do this with Gimp?
>What I need this for is when I make a little graphic for a
>web page and cut out thhe background so that the background
>is transparent, often off colored pixels are left on the 
>edges of the graphic and show up when the graphic is placed
>on a web page making the graphic look bad. So if I can replace
>these pixel's color I can clean up the edges of the graphic.
>Any tips on accomplishing any of this would be appreciated.
>--Paul T.
>"Louis Pasteur's theory of germs is ridiculous fiction." 
>Pierre Pachet, Professor of Physiology at Toulouse, 1872.

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