
> STDERR on Virgil just showed me an eth0 problem.  Links to the other
> files are:

thanks for doing links rather than posting the stuff here :-)

> 1.  dmesg.treva (3 KB)
>     http://i6.yimg.com/6/e7afa96b/h/ad02f3a8/dmesg.treva

looks pretty normal
> 2.  stderr.treva (3 KB)
>     http://i6.yimg.com/6/e7afa96b/h/bb7e4777/stderr.treva

you're trying to run tha card in 16bit, the driver doesnt support 16bit,
make and define an 8bit mode.  on < Xfree4, run Xconfigurator, or
xf86config, on > Xfree4, run  Xfree86 -configure

 > 3.  dmesg.virgil (3 KB)
>     http://i6.yimg.com/6/e7afa96b/h/d76bb67b/dmesg.virgil

how are these machines networked? do you have a hub or switch? is
autonegotiation switched on on it?


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