Alan Buxey wrote:
> hi,
> > STDERR on Virgil just showed me an eth0 problem.  Links to the other
> > files are:
> thanks for doing links rather than posting the stuff here :-)
If I had used the ".txt", you wouldn't have had to download it to view
it (at least I had to).  Everytime, next time is better.
> > 1.  dmesg.treva (3 KB)
> >
> looks pretty normal
I usually don't have to do too much to get things going.
> > 2.  stderr.treva (3 KB)
> >
> you're trying to run tha card in 16bit, the driver doesnt support 16bit,
> make and define an 8bit mode.  on < Xfree4, run Xconfigurator, or
> xf86config, on > Xfree4, run  Xfree86 -configure
I will try this. My brother told me that working through the
configuration was similar to a monkey typing a novel.  
>  > 3.  dmesg.virgil (3 KB)
> >
> how are these machines networked? do you have a hub or switch? is
> autonegotiation switched on on it?
We have a hub.  My brother didn't understand "autonegotiation".  I can
rlogon from either computer and I can ftp quite easily between the two. 
Treva's modem isn't working yet.  It is kind of cool to see them working
together.  I chuckle when I am rlogon-ed on to one and then I ftp from
the other.

I'm afraid that I had the hue-saturation problem before I had the new
computer.  I had blamed it on installing ImageMagick and messing with
the image libraries.  But then I had the same problem on the new
computer after upgrading to gimp 1.1.25.  And here I am.
> alan

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