Hi Timothy:

    I don't have first hand experience on those Alesis units, but heard bad
things about the nano-stuff from them in other discussion groups. I was also
going to purchase those units until I read the bad reviews and prefered to save
more money for better units. Mostly the complains were that they were noisy and
that the sound had bad quality.
    I hope you can get a good sound out of them, otherwise return them.


Timothy Roven wrote:

> hello all, i hope you can help - i've just decided to try out my first
> out-board/non computer effects with the gina. i got the alesis
> nanocompressor and nanoverb, pretty great value for 175 bucks for the pair.
> anyway, please tell me i'm doing something really stupid because neither
> seems to be working quite right.
> for the compressor, i decided to first start by adding a light overall
> compression to an already finished song. i ran 2 cables out of gina's 1/2
> output into the input of the nanocompressor and plugged my headphones via
> y-connector into the output of the nanocompressor. i fired up the song and
> tweaked around until i had what i thought sounded like a light overall
> mastering-type compression.
> i then unplugged the phones and ran two cables out of the nanocompressor
> into the 1/2 inputs of gina. my y-connector and phones i put into the 3/4
> output of the gina and selected via the gina console to monitor the
> compressed output (now the 1/2 inputs). the sound was totally different, it
> had this nasty tinny brasso quality to it. i figured i'd make sure my levels
> were set ok but they were fine all around. i even lowered them. then i
> checked the sound coming out of the compressor again with the phones and
> found it was fine.
> same thing happened with the reverb unit.
> any ideas anyone? thanks for reading this novel!!
> timothy

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