Thank you for advices,

I have a few more questions.

I have created a class named INTPageRankVertex which is similar to
SimplePageRankVertex and generated a jar holding only

Later, try to run with giraph command as below but get classpath errors:

giraph INTPageRankVertex.jar org.test.INTPageRankVertex \
-ip /user/hdfs/pagerankinput/graph.input \
-op /user/hdfs/pagerankoutput/ \
-w 1  \
-if org.test.INTPageRankVertex.INTPageRankVertexInputFormat \
-of org.test.INTPageRankVertex.INTPageRankVertexOutputFormat \

First I get,
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

in bin/giraph user jar is added to classpath on line 58

but CLASSPATH is overwritten on line 87
87.         CLASSPATH=`mvn dependency:build-classpath | grep -v "[INFO]"`

changing line 87 as below solves my first problem. Does this patch is valid?
87.         CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:`mvn dependency:build-classpath | grep -v

After changing line 87 I get a different classpath error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

And I solved this problem by adding below line

Does these patches are necessary or I am doing something wrong while
running my code..

best regards..

On 18 February 2012 18:37, Avery Ching <> wrote:

>  IntIntNullIntTextInputFormat in the examples package (extending
> TextVertexInputFormat as David suggests) is very similar to what you need I
> think, although the types might be different for your application.  You can
> start with that perhaps.
> Avery
> On 2/18/12 7:48 AM, David Garcia wrote:
> The easiest thing to do is to extend text vertex or/and textvertext input
> format and/or the record reader.  The record reader will give you the
> vertices you want.  Look at the record reader for textvertexinputformat.
>  It's an innerclass on this format class.
> Sent from my HTC Inspireā„¢ 4G on AT&T
> ----- Reply message -----
> From: "yavuz gokirmak" <> <>
> To: "" <>
> <> <>
> Subject: how to use SimplePageRankVertex
> Date: Sat, Feb 18, 2012 9:08 am
> Hi,
> I am planning to use giraph for network analysis. First I am trying to
> fully understand SimplePageRankVertex implementation and modify in order to
> serve my needs.
> I have a question about example,
> What is the expected input format for SimplePageRankVertex, I couldn't
> understand the input format although  SimplePageRankVertexReader class has
> few lines.
> My input file is contains of rows such as:
> usera, userb
> usera, userc
> userc, usera
> userb, userc
> userc, userb
> .
> .
> .
> Each row represents a relation between two users,
> *"usera,userb"* means that *"usera is clicked userb's profile" *
> Is it possible to make social network analysis over such kind of data
> using giraph?
> I will be glad if you can give advices..
> thanks in advance
> best regards
> ygokirmak

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