Adding another snippet to the previous post.
The failure occurs in the DixiLink2/ directory.
Then I clone the directory to DixiLink6/ : there everything works fine.
A directory of tree compare shows not a single difference, in contents nor 
in attributes.
(Well, could there be a difference in some alternative stream, this is 
Sorry for the lengthy posts.
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joostadm@W701 ~
$ cd /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink2

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink2 (master)
$ git log
commit cf13dbb766d4aff04ad51d3cdac84fda67dc6f50
Author: Joost <joost@localhost>
Date:   Tue Sep 11 09:57:32 2007 +0000

    @VSS 11-09-2007 11:08:35 [Edit] dixilinkerr.h

commit de3643596c73be4f6112d027616c8df31acd1b09
Author: Joost <joost@localhost>
Date:   Fri Jul 6 12:27:57 2007 +0000

    @VSS 01-06-2007 01:54:53 [Create] dixilinkerr.h

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink2 (master)
$ ls -l
total 3
-rw-r--r--    1 joostadm Administ     5986 Sep 17  2009 dixilinkerr.h

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink2 (master)
$ cp -p -r . ../DixiLink6

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink2 (master)
$ cd ../DixiLink6

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink6 (master)
$ git st
On branch master
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   dixilinkerr.h

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink6 (master)
$ ### So it fails in DixiLink2 repo

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink6 (master)
$ ### Then I clone the DixiLink2 tree to a new DixiLink6

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink6 (master)
$ ### There everything works

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink6 (master)
$ git log
commit cf13dbb766d4aff04ad51d3cdac84fda67dc6f50
Author: Joost <joost@localhost>
Date:   Tue Sep 11 09:57:32 2007 +0000

    @VSS 11-09-2007 11:08:35 [Edit] dixilinkerr.h

commit de3643596c73be4f6112d027616c8df31acd1b09
Author: Joost <joost@localhost>
Date:   Fri Jul 6 12:27:57 2007 +0000

    @VSS 01-06-2007 01:54:53 [Create] dixilinkerr.h

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink6 (master)
$ ls -l
total 3
-rw-r--r--    1 joostadm Administ     5986 Sep 17  2009 dixilinkerr.h

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink6 (master)
$ git diff
diff --git a/dixilinkerr.h b/dixilinkerr.h
index daeca6b..b5edf0e 100644
--- a/dixilinkerr.h
+++ b/dixilinkerr.h
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@

 #pragma once

-#define CAT_DIXILINK_ERR 2000
+#define EXCPCAT_DIXILINK 2000

 #ifndef __DixiLinkErr_H_INCLUDED__
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
        #define BASE_DIXILINK_ERR 0
        #ifdef USE_DEFAULT_CAT
-               #define BASE_DIXILINK_ERR CAT_DIXILINK_ERR

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink6 (master)
$ cd ../DixiLink2

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink2 (master)
$ git diff

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink2 (master)
$ git log
commit cf13dbb766d4aff04ad51d3cdac84fda67dc6f50
Author: Joost <joost@localhost>
Date:   Tue Sep 11 09:57:32 2007 +0000

    @VSS 11-09-2007 11:08:35 [Edit] dixilinkerr.h

commit de3643596c73be4f6112d027616c8df31acd1b09
Author: Joost <joost@localhost>
Date:   Fri Jul 6 12:27:57 2007 +0000

    @VSS 01-06-2007 01:54:53 [Create] dixilinkerr.h

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink2 (master)
$ ls -l
total 3
-rw-r--r--    1 joostadm Administ     5986 Sep 17  2009 dixilinkerr.h

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink2 (master)
$ diff dixilinkerr.h ../DixiLink6/dixilinkerr.h

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink2 (master)
$ ### no differences

joostadm@W701 /c/proj/try/git/clonefault/DixiLink2 (master)

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