> On Sat, Apr 15, 2023 at 2:35 AM Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> wrote:

> Not all references are branches, but all the ones that are branches
> are fetched, except in a different namespace: /refs/remotes.

> Local branches are /refs/heads, and that's what `git branch` shows.
> Remote branches are in /refs/remotes, and that's what `git branch
> --remotes` shows.

> But the remote branches are not always up-to-date, that's why they are
> called "remote tracking branches", that is: they track remote
> branches, but they aren't always necessarily the same.

> This is OK, but you can create a branch and check it out at the same time 
> with:

>     git checkout -b feature origin/feature

> Except, for new users `git switch` may be easier:

>     git switch -c feature origin/feature

> A more recommended way is to "track" the original branch:

>     git switch -c feature -t origin/feature

> To understand what this does you would need to learn about the concept
> of "upstream tracking branch" [1], but you don't have to, just know
> that it's generally better if you set it up.

> You don't have to type that, because `git switch` can guess what you
> want to do, so just:

>     git switch --guess feature

Ok thanks that is useful, I will put in my HOWTO.org file, for the moment, 
otherwise to much information in a very short time.

> `git checkout` is more appropriate here.

> There are remote tracking branches, but they are not in the
> /refs/remotes namespace, they are in the /refs/heads namespace, so
> your local branches are remote tracking branches.

> If you do changes on a "feature" branch, they will be overridden when
> you do `git fetch`.


> Once a mirror, always a mirror.

> Yes, but I think you should forget about using a mirror, that's not
> what you want.

> I think what you want is to mirror all the remote branches only once,
> and otherwise have a normal repository (not a mirror).

> You can do that with this command:

>     git fetch origin refs/heads/*:refs/heads/*


> This will create local branches for all the remote branches (the
> remote refs/heads/foo will become a local refs/heads/foo). The problem
> with this approach is that the local branches will not track the
> remote branches.

> At the end of the day I think what you should do is do `git switch`
> for every remote branch, which git can help:

>     git for-each-ref --format='git switch %(refname:lstrip=3)'
> refs/remotes/origin

Definitely going in my HOWTO.org file

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